Dedicated to J.C. and the bees.
Thanks to all our patrons for helping us to make “Thee Bees” in the premier issue of
WASP -vs- KILLER BEES a reality. Our sincere gratitude goes out to each of you!
Davey Bowling
Zach and Tricia Horn
Joanne “JBee” Hendy
Brian, Bridget and Baby “B” Bean Bowling
Doug, Patty, Ashlee and Lauren Biehl
Christopher Walters
Darren and Krista Mueller (Ringtail Cafe Productions)
Daniel and Teri Hendy
Sam and Lauren Elizabeth Reinertsen and sweetiepie Claire
Jim and Jody Davis
Dan and Sherry Davis
Dave “GOM” Lindemann and Beekeeper Edna Lindemann
Mary Kaeser
Lindsey Trusler Dietrich
Sandy Poole and Family
Estelle Davis (we love our moms and dads)
Tracy Coon
Ron and Reyne Davis
The Polychroniou Family and BaBEE Alexandra TOO!
Jessica Hendy and Beckett (L. General’s sweetie)
Dylan and Kara Hendy and little sweetie’s Lena and the new b.b.
And all of our “friends” on Facebook (we really like that you like us!
...and to...
Our Lady of Aparecida (Patroness of Brazil)
St. Bernard of Clairvaux (Patron of beekeepers)
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